Untitled 2020 - Meagan Earle & Steve Cross
Untitled – 2020 – hard maple, swamp ash, red oak, pine needles, concrete, plastics, metal leaf
Old friends with diverse creative outlets, we collaborated as a way to learn new techniques while discussing and responding to an excerpt from Stevie Howell’s “I left nothing inside on purpose”. We combined organic and manually processed materials in the sculpture as we explored wildness, health and the various ways we willingly, and unwillingly, disengage throughout our lives.
Meagan Earle, weaver/fibre artist & Steve Cross, media/fine artist
Old friends with diverse creative outlets, we collaborated as a way to learn new techniques while discussing and responding to an excerpt from Stevie Howell’s “I left nothing inside on purpose”. We combined organic and manually processed materials in the sculpture as we explored wildness, health and the various ways we willingly, and unwillingly, disengage throughout our lives.
Meagan Earle, weaver/fibre artist & Steve Cross, media/fine artist