Victoria Laube - IT'S COMPLICATED!
Instagram: @viclaube
I was at it for years, attempting to obliterate my fears of being an artist. If it wasn’t the fear of
starting, it was the fear of finishing that would immobilize me. And the fear of not being good enough
would always be hovering somewhere close by. My objective was to rid myself of those
energy-sappers that lulled me into complacency and dragged me into procrastination.
It is only now, with age, that I have come to realize the impossibility of totally banishing fears.
So now I have taken an alternative approach. I have actually introduced fears to creativity.
Abutted within my corpus, now management is my task. And I have accepted that within the
liminal space of being, both fear and creativity are always present, constantly in motion
changing and interacting, and are both a vital part of my being. Both need to be there!
But how is this possible? How can fear and creativity co-exist? In contemplating this
dilemma, the series entitled IT’S COMPLICATED! evolved. The digital diptychs are self
portraits that explore the emotional turmoil regarding fear and creativity associated with art
starting, it was the fear of finishing that would immobilize me. And the fear of not being good enough
would always be hovering somewhere close by. My objective was to rid myself of those
energy-sappers that lulled me into complacency and dragged me into procrastination.
It is only now, with age, that I have come to realize the impossibility of totally banishing fears.
So now I have taken an alternative approach. I have actually introduced fears to creativity.
Abutted within my corpus, now management is my task. And I have accepted that within the
liminal space of being, both fear and creativity are always present, constantly in motion
changing and interacting, and are both a vital part of my being. Both need to be there!
But how is this possible? How can fear and creativity co-exist? In contemplating this
dilemma, the series entitled IT’S COMPLICATED! evolved. The digital diptychs are self
portraits that explore the emotional turmoil regarding fear and creativity associated with art